January 30, 2024
Filip Maciejewicz
Scan Unlimited

“Daily Picks” - New Powerful SU Feature - Automate Finding New Product Opportunities!

Discover unique daily wholesale product opportunities with the help of ScanUnlimited's new feature!

One of the CRITICAL factors for success when initiating and expanding your Amazon wholesale business is discovering and adding new products to your reselling catalog.

For many novice sellers, the common question is: "How can I identify new wholesale product opportunities?" Finding potential resale products is not a straightforward task.

However, now it's EASIER THAN EVER, thanks to a brand-new feature from ScanUnlimited titled "Daily Picks."

With "Daily Picks" you will receive daily, account-exclusive, new wholesale product opportunities. 

Each day, ScanUnlimited will present you with SIX UNIQUE PRODUCTS that are already performing well on Amazon and have the potential for resale.

"Daily Picks" is an entirely fresh feature, exclusively available to members of the ScanUnlimited Unlimited Plus plan.

So, don't hesitate, become an Unlimited Plus member today, and seize the opportunity to access six unique product opportunities every day!

Upgrade to Unlimited Plus Plan Now

Increase your revenue and profits by incorporating new products into your reseller business

The "Daily Picks" new feature allows you to discover fresh product opportunities on a daily basis.

This is the most intelligent approach to EXPANDING your business - incorporating new SKUs into your Amazon store that will drive increased revenue and profit for your business.

How does “Daily Picks” work? 

  1. Log in to ScanUnlimited and navigate to the "Daily Picks" tab, located within the "Unlimited Plus" category
  2. Each day, you will find six new potential wholesale-eligible products presented to you
  3. You can delve deeper into each product, mark it as a favorite, and revisit it later if you wish
  4. Your subsequent step is to locate the brand owner or distributor of the specific brand in your region
  5. After establishing contact with the brand or supplier, you will receive the product catalog and select the final products to resell

"Daily Picks" will unveil six new product opportunities exclusively tailored to your ScanUnlimited account EACH DAY.

This powerful new feature, "Daily Picks," is exclusively accessible to ScanUnlimited Unlimited Plus plan members.

If you are committed to expanding your wholesale business, "Daily Picks" will rapidly become an invaluable asset.

Join the ScanUnlimited Unlimited Plus plan today and establish your DOMINANCE in the marketplace.

Upgrade to Unlimited Plus Plan Now

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